• RSU 21 school district: "In my opinion they are great. My older students enjoy them the most because they are a little more grown-up looking, and the teachers like them because they are silent".

  • Renee Kelly, Associate Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, and Engagement: "I've appreciated Stim Me Flex’s enthusiasm for creating tools that can help students enhance their ability to focus and strengthen their learning outcomes. I also enjoy fidgeting with a Stim Me Flex at my own desk!"

  • Jon Forbes, M.A., CCC-SLP, Speech Language Pathologist: "My caseload includes children with various sensory needs and I have found that the Stim Me Flex fidgets provide a quick and easy solution when they need an outlet. The Stim Me Flex fidgets are small, don’t make any noise, can’t break or break anything else, and put the students at ease."

  • Ashley Forbes: "I really love the Stim Me Flex as a desktop fidget, especially crunching them into a compressed shape and then stretching them back out again. It's very soothing and the texture on them is great."

  • Kennebunk Free Library: "The products are extremely well-made and arrived quickly. I especially like that we were able to order our products in a color that matches our library logo! We are hoping to use them in sensory kits soon."

  • Jamie Barth: “I bought the Stim Me Circular in green because it was fun to play with and easy to keep at my desk. I found that it helps me focus on long phone calls and in meetings without being too noticeable or juvenile looking. I recently purchased the blue Stim Me Circular and love the design. It fits perfectly in your hand. These are a great addition to our office and every office environment should have them!”